Synopsis (2nd rendition)

This is the synopsis of our final idea.

Alex Miles asleep in bed, wakes up to miss call, reaches for phone to see a text and many notifications for the party. Message from Jodie saying “lunch at 12!”. Alex gets out of bed and goes to bathroom brushes teeth, gets dressed and walks down stairs. She sees letter on floor, opens it and reads that she has been accepted into UAL (London), (split screen with Jodie) showing that she has been denied. Leaves house, gets in car and drives to town with very idyllic scenery. Alex parks car and meets Jodie, go in to cafe. Back and forth talking, Alex gets in and Jodie does not therefore Alex gets jealous. After tea, they both go shopping for clothes but it’s clear that something is wrong with Jodie. After they pick out an outfit each, the make their way to the party, everything is going ok until Alex begins to feel nauseous and sick then she falls flat on the dance floor. Alex wakes up in what appears to be a surgery, with many surgeons standing over her with medical equipment, after a sudden injection Alex passes out again, only to wake up dazed and confused in her own bed.


The following day Alex wakes up very confused, everything the same happens but Alex noticed that Jodie is acting very bitter.

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