
I will be evaluating our group project Idyll.

 After being given the brief for this project we got put into our groups and started to research about the word and the meaning of Idyll and the different interpretations of what it could portray. We wanted to create a film or a short advert with the best parts of Cornwall being inspired by the ‘Brighter Cornwall’ advert. After watching this we came up with lots of places we could film in Cornwall. We sent of a small survey and created a small short trailer before we fully decided to go forth with this idea. The questionnaire asked students if they would be interested in watching a short small film on Cornwall and also asked them where their most favourite places around were.  

After we received our feedback from the premiere of our trailer the producer called together an urgent meeting to review feedback and develop a strategy. Moving forward from the feedback we discovered that our target audience hadn’t been drawn to our trailer and disliked it profusely so we took this feedback on board and over the course, of an hour meeting developed a fresh new concept which took our original research and feedback so that it would still be tailored towards our target audience, but with a new story and base concept to capture our audience. We developed this concept through a group discussion whilst researching existing products it was then decided we would draw inspiration from these past products and use them in our own product to ensure its viability and that it is favoured by our target audience and also met the needs of the brief.  After we received our feedback from the premiere of our trailer the producer called together an urgent meeting to review feedback and develop a strategy. Moving forward from the feedback we discovered that our target audience hadn’t been drawn to our trailer and disliked it profusely so we took this feedback on board and over the course, of an hour meeting developed a fresh new concept which took our original research and feedback so that it would still be tailored towards our target audience, but with a new story and base concept to capture our audience. We developed this concept through a group discussion whilst researching existing products it was then decided we would draw inspiration from these past products and use them in our own product to ensure its viability and that it is favoured by our target audience and also met the needs of the brief.


As part of our lecture we were shown movie trailers, so we could see some specific editing techniques,  we watched the trailer of the film ‘Before I Fall’ and instantly felt inspired  by this story line of this film, this film consisted of a relapse of time. We loved this idea as a group and started to think of different ways we could interpret this into our own film. We had team meetings and brainstormed our ideas  and came up with our idea of there being one friend Alex getting in to university of her choice and her best friend Jodie not, this then makes her jealous. They go to a party and Jodie out of spite spikes her drink making Alex then fall over and be rushed to hospital, when Alex wakes up the exact same thing happens again and she is the only one that realises that the day is happening again.  

After asking for feedback on this idea we got a more positive response and we straight away started to film our production. We came across many things that effected our production in a negative way such as for our café scene we couldn’t use a public café which we planned to as we couldn’t get permission to film in the café we hoped. We then had to change around our locations in places we were going to film the rest of our scenes in, this then took up more time as we couldn’t film certain places of that day as we needed them for other scenes left. Another limitation we came across was lighting, trying to get the perfect lighting in each scene was proven difficult, for example in the party scene we needed the lighting dark and with different coloured lighting but we also needed it light enough on the camera that you could see the characters faces when they were speaking. Another parameter we as a group faced was getting the sound right in the party scene as we needed dialogue but we also needed music in the background like a party.


Although coming across quite a few limitations in the production part we also succeeded in things as well again in the party scene when a character is doing drugs, the lighting in this part worked really well as you could see what he was doing but you also couldn’t see that he wasn’t actually doing them, which obviously worked well.  

Another limitation we faced was when the group planned to meet and film, some certain members sometimes didn’t show up, leaving certain members of the rest of the group with more to do and deal with then they should have.

Another thing that went well was the short hospital scene, I think this worked because of the eyes shutting layer over the top of it and also how over exposed it was. Considering how this was filmed, we had to make this was really intense, I think we achieved this but to improve this next time we could maybe use some audio of some hospital atmospheric sounds, for example people shouting and a heart monitor.  

In conclusion I think despite changing our production and that then giving us a shorter amount of time do finish our project I think our project finished well and it met the criteria of the brief. We met all of the deadlines, all of the paper work was completed when we were not filming meaning we were not wasting time. As a group member I feel like we all took equal parts in the production, we all came up with ideas and ways to solve problems if and when they occurred. If we had to work as a group again, I would definitely use the first few weeks more valuably and not waste so much time at the start. This then maybe would’ve helped our production stage as we would not have had to rush filming. Overall the project got finished in my opinion to a good standard, the lighting and the sounds all worked considering which scene. I am pleased with our production of the film  and the planning and researching parts. I think we worked well as a team and we were effective and i think our production and planning shows this.

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